
Only Aftrica Could Create These Kinds of Genetics

Delivering Cannabis Seed Genetics to the UK Since 2000!

Afropips first started shipping African genetics from their super-secret lair back in 2000 with the primary goal of satisfying the delicate palettes of the most distinguished cannabis collectors. Information on cannabis seeds is for information purposes only, it is not intended to encourage anyone to cultivate cannabis or illegal and/or controlled substances. Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in the UK unless you have an appropriate license issued from the home office. Rhino Sells Seeds for storage of cannabis genetics only.

Buy Afropips' Seeds from Rhino Seeds Today!

  • Sativas
  • Indicas
  • African Genetics
  • Totally Organic
Cup Winner
Flowering Time
Thc Level
Thc Level - Medium : 8 - 15%