Amnesia Haze
Amnesia Haze is one of the finest Hazes Soma Seeds has to offer. The smell and taste are unforgettable, until you smoke it and forget everything!
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Amnesia Haze(111)
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Amnesia Haze is one of the finest Hazes Soma Seeds has to offer. The smell and taste are unforgettable, until you smoke it and forget everything!
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Soma’s Sacred Seeds is now firmly implanted in Europe, but it got its start in southern Vermont way back in the early 70s before a single coffee shop existed in Amsterdam. Every exquisite seed in the Soma collection is backed up by a personal story as well as a very accurate description of what you can expect from each strain. These are some of the priciest seeds sold at Rhino Seeds, but they are so worth it! We’re sure you’ll come to love both Soma and his Sacred Seeds as much as we do. In fact, we think it’s a law or something.