Dutch Automatic Female
Soon after auto-blooming was founded, the Dutch Auto Female exploded onto the cannabis scene. The ease-of-use, robust structure, and pest-resistant nature of this European lady made her a popular choice for both the new and the experienced. If you’re extremely selective about the weed seeds that go into your seed bank, you can’t miss this chance to add these premium feminised seeds to your collection.
This variety of the Dutch Auto Female was developed by the expert cultivators at Spliff Seeds to improve on its original features. To create a final product that is floral, fruity, and skunky all at the same time, the best genetic elements from the world’s most popular cannabis seeds were combined to create this amazing product. As you savor the berry-like essence of the Dutch Auto Female, you’ll detect individual characteristics that will remind you of Santa Maria, Hawaiian Sativa, Northern Light, Ruderalis, Afghani, and Skunk. As a further refinement, the feminised Dutch Auto produced by Spliff Seeds is capable of producing the heaviest, tightest blossoms possible within this strain. Buying this lovely lady is like getting the best parts of six different weed seeds in one amazing package! How can you possibly miss the chance to add this type of cannabis seed to your collection?
When you add the Dutch Auto Female to your collection, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:
- Short Stature
- Early Maturation
- Medium THC Level Varying from 8 to 15%
- Wonderful Auto-Flowering Capabilities
- Versatile Use for Both Indoor and Outdoor Displays
- 45% Sativa to 55% Indica Ratio
- Massive Yields for an Auto-Bearing Seed
- Perfectly Suited to Cool Northern Climates
Add the Dutch Auto Female to your collection and stop worrying about any additional maintenance! Simply place it in a display case and allow this little lady to take care of herself. Whether you’re an old pro or a brand-new aficionado of cannabis seed collecting, you’ll be amazed at the results. Don’t take our word for it! Try it for yourself, and you’ll quickly agree that the Dutch Auto Female was the best choice you could ever make.